Dupont™ Kevlar®and other aramid yarns and threads are used in many industries including:
- high temperature fluid hose manufacturing as reinforcement
- electrical wire and cable for binding, ripcords, strength members and shielding (braided)
- composite materials- aramid fabric is used for strength and reinforcement
- ballistics, to sew proctective garmets, body armour and bullet proof vests
- rope manufacturing for added strength
- synthetic web-slings for sewing and round sling filler yarn
- mattress manufacturing for sewing tape edge seams
Most of the products made with Kevlar® and other aramid yarns require high strength and/or fire retardant characteristics. The unique nature and production processes to make aramid fibers are some reasons aramids are much more expensive than other commodity fibers like cotton, polyester and nylon. Common characteristics among Kevlar® and other Aramid fibers include:
- High Tensile Strength
- Low flammability
- Abrasion Resistance
- High Melting Point
- Low Creep
Information on the chemical make-up of aramid fibers can be found here and some of the different lower cost alternatives brands with specifications of filament aramids can be found here.
Aramid yarns producers, like DuPont™, extrude aramid in the multi-filament form and also produce it in a bail form similar to cotton. These are not typically the forms of aramid that are required for the common industries it is used in. Yarn spinners, converters and thread manufacturers use these forms to wind, twist, coat, weave and construct yarns, fabrics and threads so aramids are able to be processed in the manufacturing industries they are typically seen in. Below is a picture of Kevlar® in a bonded twisted multi-filament sewing thread form used to sew high temperature escape belts.
Do you need help determining the best Aramid to use in your process?