Not your typical yarn and thread company.
What we offer isn’t found in an exhaustive product list. We offer service backed by expertise. We could just sell you thread, but that’s not who we are.
CURIOUS. We want to know as much about you as possible. How are you using thread? What do your operators think about it? When you experience thread problems or your sewing machine breaks down, we want to know why and how. In short, we want to help.
EXPERT. Thread and yarns may be part of your process. But thread and yarns are 100% of ours. We are materials specialists, machinists, welders, analysts and researchers by trade. From our line ovens to each spool of thread, we engineer everything in-house, optimized for its specific purpose.
OPEN. We continually educate ourselves. We’re open to learning from you. The industries we serve and the materials and technologies you use are constantly evolving. We’ve also found that some of the best ideas for improvement come from those on the factory floor, working hands-on with thread every day.